Customer success story

Pipernet Helps Koneo Mobile Migrate to GCP

Mobile Marketing
San Francisco, California, U.S.
Migrate Koneo Mobile Technology to GCP

Products used


Google Cloud Platform


Pipernet is a team of professional developers who can design, implement and operate complex software systems.

Pipernet performed technical analysis of the clients platform and proposed the most efficient way to move platform to the cloud while also implementing architecture improvements.

The challenge

Koneo Mobile business has been growing rapidly and their performance marketing platform hosted on the traditional bare-metal hosting was struggling to scale to meet the business needs.

The solution

Migration from traditional bare-metal server hosting to Google Cloud using “Improve and move” approach. Leveraged Global HTTP(s) Load Balancing and Compute Engine managed autoscaled groups. Migrated self-hosted MariaDB to CloudSQL. Refactored application to use Cloud Storage instead of NFS. Used Cloud Monitoring instead of Zabbix, Cloud Logging instead of ELK stack.

The results

Now that the migration is complete, Koneo Mobile platform is serving 10x amount of traffic. Has improved media assets availability and durability by storing them on GCS. And better platform observability with Google Cloud operations suite.

Koneo Mobile digital platform struggled to scale on traditional bare-metal hosting. Migrating to Google Cloud enabled the platform to serve 10x amount of traffic.

Working with the pipernet google cloud experts was very straight forward and successful. Thank you!

Daniel Nash

Head of IT department

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